I don’t
always plod; sometimes I speed.
More careless than reckless, I am easily distracted. My speed hovers somewhere between “heavy
footed” and “clueless.”
I was
reminded of this last Tuesday.
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The view from Goodnow Mountain |
I took a
vacation day to go hiking - called a friend and made ambitious plans to climb
four fire towers in the Adirondacks.
We started early, leaving my house at 5:30 and arriving at the first
trailhead by 8 o’clock. We spent
the morning summitting Vanderwhacker and Goodnow mountains. Moderately difficult hiking, cool
weather, good company, and stunning views made for a wonderful morning.
The clock
was creeping into early afternoon as we drove toward Long Lake for our third
destination – Mount Arab. Having
been tailgated and passed by two vehicles on the way, I was self-conscious of
holding up traffic. I pushed the
speed a bit and gave my attention to conversation with my hiking partner. This was a mistake. My mind never got the dual core
processor upgrade. I am a
poor multi-tasker. My wife will
vouch for the fact that I can’t run two programs simultaneously. As soon as I open the conversation
program, the speed-monitoring program grinds to a halt. The next time I looked at my
speedometer, I was passing a slowing police vehicle traveling the opposite
direction. The needle was hovering
around 70 – fine for the Interstate, but not good for a backcountry highway
with a limit of 55. I was low
hanging fruit for this officer.
minutes later, the officer told me to watch my speed and to be careful pulling
out. I drove off…ticket in my hand
and frustration in my heart. “Kind
of ruins the day,” my friend noted.
“Yeah, it does,” I sighed.
Then I sunk into a sullen silence, providing ample space for the rush of
thoughts that followed.
How could I
have been so stupid?
Why do I never get off with just a warning?
Where am I
going to get the money for this?
How many
points will this be on my license?
How long ago
was that last ticket?
Should I
drive out for my court date or just send in a guilty plea?
What will I
tell to Sue?
How could he
have missed the two guys that passed me fifteen minutes earlier?
Why can’t I
learn to use cruise control?
I was angry,
ashamed, and frustrated; feelings that lingered throughout our third hike. A pity party on Mount Arab. I was still picking confetti out of my
hair when we reached the fourth fire tower of the day, Cathedral Rock. The short hike brought us to a pavilion
just before the summit. Beside the
pavilion was a large stone with a plaque.
I wish, now, that I had written down the inscription. Instead, I can only offer a
summary. It was placed by a family
as a memorial to their eleven year old son who fell to his death off a nearby
cliff in 1996.
I have four
children, including a son the same age as the boy who fell to his death. I can’t imagine what it would be like
to begin the day hiking with my family and to end the day mourning the death of
my son. My day of hiking was ruined
by a speeding ticket; their day of hiking was ruined by the death of a
son. This brought
perspective, a corrective lens for my spiritual myopia.
My sullen
reaction to my speeding ticket highlights my aggrandized view of self. The universe is crafted; the orbit is
set; all things revolve around me.
But on Cathedral Rock I got a glimpse of a bigger universe, a grander
story, a more complex narrative. I
am not the only character in this play; not even the star of the show. I’m hung up on court dates and traffic
fines while others are planning funerals. I’m ashamed at the pettiness of my troubles and disappointed
that something so small could put me in such a funk.
And this is
why God charted this course, from the speeding journey toward Long Lake to the
panting stillness on Cathedral Rock:
This was a journey not measured in miles. God was guiding me from selfishness to self-awareness. My troubles, because they are mine,
loom large in my field of vision.
Everything from speeding tickets to allergy symptoms, from a restless
night, to a stressful day, these take center stage in my drama. But from any other vantage point, these
are really quite small. Reading
this memorial, my speeding ticket shrunk in magnitude. I needed this. God knew.
I’ll be
traveling out to Long Lake again soon.
I have a court date set. Maybe
on this trip God will teach me a lesson about mercy. Or maybe justice.
But this time I’ll be traveling with a new perspective…and I’ll be
setting the cruise control.
Blog News: With warmer weather and summer vacation I am writing less. This piece in nearly three weeks old. It just took a while to finish. It's hard to sit at a computer when the sun is shining. Plus, opportunities to write for other outlets are growing. Those pieces often appear on the blog in one format or another, but require further editing (for length and polish) before submission. So through the summer I'll probably only post every couple weeks. This is by design. I'll get back to weekly posts in the fall. Thanks, as always, for you encouragement and support.